Currently I make sure to include a monthly review on the novels I have read during the month and I fill in with various other items that are hopefully of interest to you such as articles, exerpts from my writings, and some cool things I found and want to share! I am constantly learning, so I will likely add other types of posts, but please reach out and let me know if about anything specific you would like to see!
Each story below has a print icon for those who dislike reading on their computers and/or phones. You can now click on the print button which removes all the pictures and styling from the webpage for a simple and easy way to print the text for your ease of reading!
Newly added!!! I placed my previously emailed newsletters on this site! Go to my contact page and look for the newsletters heading. FYI, newsletters will not appear until a month has passed since the inital sending. Please subscribe if you want to get newsletters on time!